Frequently asked questions about MY-SAFETY-APP 2

In this section, we collected a number of frequently asked questions about MY-SAFETY-APP 2. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.

  • Who can use MY-SAFETY-APP 2?

    MY-SAFETY-APP 2 can be used by:

    • - All DR-WALTER travelers who have received a registration code for MY-SAFETY-APP 2 with their insurance confirmation.
    • - All persons for whom an AIDWORKER health insurance exists. In this case, you will receive the registration code required for installation from your organisation or your DR-WALTER contact.
  • How do I activate the app?

    You can download MY-SAFETY-APP 2 for free from the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or from Apple iTunes (for iOS). To activate, you will need a registration code, which you usually receive through your insurance confirmation or from your DR-WALTER contact person.

  • What do I need to install the app?

    To install MY-SAFETY-APP 2 on your mobile device, you need:

    • mobile device with an active data connection (telephone & Internet)
  • What do the colors mean concerning the country risks?

    General events in the respective country are marked in green. Yellow events are those that can have a negative impact on everyday life. Critical events that you should be aware of are marked in red.

Do you require advice?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: +49 2247 9194-950

